Oriental belly dance is determined for
All women from all ages and every weight category. Then women before pregnancy will be learned how to dance in a professional way because of health situations. Another group is for women who want to dance and improve their health, condition of body or women who have problems with self-confidence.
These things they will learn in our oriental courses and what’s more - they will improve their life with a cultural experience. They can dance only for relaxing or for improving their private and professional life.
Exception of these courses and web pages
- You can dance with a native oriental belly dancer!
- Except of dancing you will find new cultural experiences.
- Regularly you will be informed about news and interesting things.
- You will have a chance to dance at the seaside with an oriental belly dance.
- Courses at the seaside are determined for beginners, too!
- You will learn a lot of interesting things about oriental courses, exotic habits..
- Information about performance, seminaries, weekends outside of Prague, information about seaside dancing!
- And what’s more? These web pages are the first billingual oriental pages which you can read in Czech and English!
- There are the first oriental belly dance courses which are led in the English language for foreign clients!
- The only condition for realization these courses in English are international British or American certificates and 100% knowledge of the English language!
- If you want to order Muna´s performance, workshop or if you would like to join our courses, please use e-mail.
You can also see our photographies in section: Photogallery